Rower’s Blog
NEW Celia Alice Boat Care Video
Our Fleet is housed on a variety of racks and spaces in the SC Harbor. Some boat spaces can we awkward to launch from, like our Dragonfly Double, Celia Alice.Celia has sustained several types of damage, most from difficulties launching, docking, and putting the boat away. Our Board has great concern about this constant damage. Our volunteer Fleet managers have provided a demonstration on how to handle Celia Alice, captured here on Video for all Club members to review. Please see the Fleet Page to view this video.
What everyone should know about DAMAGE to our rowing Fleet
We are fortunate to have a skilled and talented group of Volunteer members who are able to repair our rowing shells. Market rate for this level of skill with resin, fiberglass, kevlar, carbon fiber, aluminum, wood and stainless steel is $60. to $100. per hour. Take a look at these pictures of damage to Celia Alice (the Red and White Dragonfly Double), and 3D (now retired from the fleet). How many hours do you think it would take to repair? How could these different types of damage occur? This damage unnoticed by the next rowers, would likely cause the boat to begin sinking by the time the rowers left the Harbor Mouth. Water is very heavy. Not only would the boat become hard to row, it can sink. These rowers lives would be in danger. Remember: You have about 55 minutes in 55 degrees of water before you experience life-threatening hypothermia. NONE OF THIS DAMAGE WAS REPORTED!! How would you like the board to deal with unreported damage? If you are unsure of, or uncomfortable with how to launch, dock, clean and replace these long, fiberglass and carbon fiber boats, please call one of our Instructors - on the Instruction page. They train members in boat care.