Santa Cruz Rowing Club Membership and Boat Rental Fees

Currently, our membership fees are $100/year, with the year starting in April. To use club boats, you can choose to pay per row ($20), get a 10-launch pass ($150), or unlimited rowing ($300 annually). Please note that you must be a club member in order to use club boats; visiting rowers may make arrangements through Karen to use club boats.

Membership fees can be paid at the annual members meeting, put in the “Iron ranger” in the oar locker or by sending a check made out to the Santa Cruz Rowing Club along with a signed waiver and a signed SCRC Boat use and Rental Guidelines and signed Moss Landing (Elkhorn Slough) Boat use and Rental Guidelines (if you will be rowing from Moss Landing) to the address in your membership email sent on March 13, 2023. You may also email your PDF of signed forms to Karen and use online payment link in membership email.

Per-row fees can be placed in labeled envelopes and left in the iron lockbox within the oar locker at the dock. A signed waiver and a signed SCRC Boat Use Guidelines must be completed for each non member or R&R volunteer who is not a member.

If a rower is going to row at Elkhorn Slough, they must be checked out by an instructor at Elkhorn Slough and sign the Moss Landing Boat use Guidelines and an SCRC Boat Use Guidelines.

We are a “do it yourself” club and do not have employees. Club members clean and do minor repairs on our club-owned boats. All members are asked to donate 10 hours a year of volunteer time toward boat and dock maintenance and other chores as a way to keep membership and rental fees low.